Thursday, June 1, 2017

La Creacion de Pachamama!


I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful day:) I'd like to dedicate this (and the next few posts!) to the creation and operation of Pachamama Divine Connection as a store and as an organization! 

A year and a half ago today, we opened our doors in the Strip District of Pittsburgh! So much hard work went into the creation and operation of this store but one piece that we take most pride in is our magical, alpaca hanging chair!                                                                                                                                                                                      our magical chair in all it's glory!

Fatima and Fabricio wanted this chair to be a special spot for all of the pint-sized guests who entered the store. This cozy nook is filled with with alpaca blankets and surrounded by fluffy friends! Flowers adorn the wicker seat and overhead are mystical, weeping willow, Avatar-esque lights with dream catchers scattered throughout!

Not only is this cozy, fluffy, funkadelic chair a source of joy for children and adults alike, but it also has a deeper is to connect the children of Pittsburgh with the children of the Andes!!

        Children in Calca, Peru during one our mission trips in 2015.
There is a donation box next to the chair and all donations go directly to helping indigenous children in developing communities in the Peruvian Andes.

Here are some photos of our awesome customers, friends, and family members living it up in our beautiful alpaca chair and celebrating the meaning and mission of Pachamama Divine Connection!


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Tale of Pistachio...

Buenos Dias!!!๐Ÿ˜ป

So I haven't written in awhile...apologies! But A LOT has been going on here at Pachamama Divine Connection. Just last week we had a miracle in our very own store!

It all started last Tuesday, when Fatima and Fabricio came home after a long day of working at the store. They walked up to their apartment door and there, sitting right in front of their home, lay an extremely skinny (but cute) kitten, covered in soot and very clearly malnourished.

2 cans of cat food later, Fati and Fabricio had fallen in love with the super sweet kitty who they went on to name, Pistachio. He was so sweet and cuddly--all he needed was love!

Unfortunately though, they could not keep Pistachio'--for they already had a cat (named Tika who not only didn't get along with other animals) as well as a lack of space in their home...

So we made a post on Facebook the next day and mere hours after posting his photo, Pistachio had someone interested in adopting him!!

Taia and his family adopted Pistachio the next day, and he is now living happily in his new found home:) Miracles happen every day!!!

I bid you adieu today with some pics of Pistachio livin' the good life!!!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Faces of Pachamama Divine Connection!

Hello world!!!

Thank you for visiting our blog!:)

If you are reading this right now you are either 1) a personal friend of mine who I forced to read my most recent post for emotional and moral support, 2) an incredibly passionate and valued customer at Pachamama Divine Connection!, or 3) someone who randomly stumbled upon this page and who is questioning what they're doing here...

Regardless of what brought you here today I am so happy to have you and thank you heaps for reading this far!!

I thought a good idea for this first post would be an introduction to the REAL Pachamama Divine Connection...not just the store but the people who bring it to life! The faces behind this beautiful business who have made it what it is today!
So without further ado, I introduce to you

Not only one of the co-owners of Pachamama Divine Connection but also a *~goddess queen~*, talented artist, designer extraordinaire, creative expert, and a constant source of joy and light with a heart bigger that the moon!


Co-owner #2 of Pachamama Divine Connection
as well as an extremely talented artist, Peru
enthusiast (he's from there!), music fanatic with
impeccable dance moves, and overwhelming love
of our mother earth and indigenous tradition.

^^They are married btw and the most in-love couple you will ever meet!!!

amor verdadero♡♡♡

Rico Suave! ("Rico" for short)
The true brains behind the store's operation!
Not only is he extremely handsome and suave,
but he is also a notorious ladies man and a hit with
our female customers. Keep doin' you, Rico!

Me! (Maura)
The newest employee at Pachamama Divine Connection and the new (amateur) writer of this blog! Just happy to be here! LOL

That is us! Thank you again for visiting our blog and we hope to see you en la vida reรกl one day soon:)

Paz y amor, 